National Leadership

2024-25 Board of Directors and Officers of ARCS Foundation, Inc.

(July 1, 2024)

*National Officers

President* Beth Wainwright Pittsburgh
President Elect* Jill Bray Phoenix
Vice President, Finance* Missy Unkovic Pittsburgh
Vice President, Operations* Barbara Goergen Minnesota
Vice President, Philanthropy* Joan Foley Oregon
Secretary* Danielle Robinson Metro Washington
Treasurer* Linda Thier  Pittsburgh
Chair, Organizational Growth/Membership Sharon Feng Pittsburgh
Chair, Communications and Marketing Amy Moseley Phoenix
Chair, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Kathy Testoni Pittsburgh
Chair, University Relations Diana Gordon Oregon
Chair, Nominating Nancy Chambers Atlanta
Chair, Council of Advisors* Susan Smith Oregon
Immediate Past Chair, Council of Presidents* Holly Heaton San Diego
Chair, Council of Presidents* Elli Nesbitt Metro Washington
Council of Presidents' Representative  Chris Simpson Brent Northern California
Council of Presidents' Representative  Anne Crawford Pittsburgh
Council of Presidents' Representative  Cheryl Ernst Honolulu
Council of Presidents' Representative  Chandra Jain Orange County
Council of Presidents' Representative  Judy LeMarr Phoenix
Parliamentarian* (non-voting) Jane Dolinger Atlanta
Chair, Audit Committee Anna Maria Mattuecci Phoenix
Audit Committee Anne Jarvis Oregon
Audit Committee Susan McGonigle Atlanta
National Endowment Fund Committee Christine Hawes Phoenix
National Endowment Fund Committee Sally McDaniel Atlanta
National Endowment Fund Committee Sherry Lundeen Atlanta

2024-25 ARCS Foundation Council of Advisors

Non-voting except for those who are Directors of National Board

*Voting National Board Members

Chair: Susan Smith*, Oregon  
Stephanie Beckman, Orange County

Sherry Lundeen*, Atlanta

Christy Burton, Phoenix Sandra Matteucci, Phoenix
Donna Casey, Northern California Sally McDaniel*, Atlanta
Linda Celesia, Illinois Yolanda Walther-Meade, Los Angeles/San Diego
Nancy Chambers, Atlanta Caron Ogg, Oregon
Sue Dintelman, Utah Andi Purple, Metro Washington
Sarah Dunnam, Seattle Dawn Carson Senger, Phoenix
Sue Harter, Pittsburgh Christina Thomas, Minnesota
Ann Hill, San Diego Janie Wilson, Atlanta
Patty Lee, Honolulu To Be Determined, Colorado